Welcome to Senior Options
On behalf of our CEO, Ben Unkle, and our Board of Directors, it is my pleasure to welcome you to our Senior Options website.
Most of my career has been spent working in the Home and Community-Based Services industry. Senior Options works exclusively with LeadingAge members. I strongly believe that as nonprofits, we should be extending our services to the greater community, so that seniors living in their own homes can benefit from our compassion, care, and connection.
Senior Options was formed to help LeadingAge members successfully establish, and compete in the home and community-based services (HCBS) arena. Although our team has expertise in a variety of HCBS, we focus on working with our partners to successfully operate three core services: home care, home health, and hospice. We know firsthand the challenges and of regulations, compliance, billing, health information, electronic health records, and growth. We help you successfully navigate these complexities.
Whether your goal is to diversify your organization’s service lines and revenue sources, become more relevant in the post-acute space, or simply serve your neighbors, Senior Options can help you achieve your organization’s goals.
I invite you to explore our site and find out more about us.

Joan Punch
President of Senior Options LLC

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